The long-story form of a joke was designed to enhance the communal experience for the teller and the listener. But our modern listener may become restive. Since one hopes it possible that a joke may remain funny if told another way, we try cutting to the essence. Here goes:
approaches(flood, S)
offers(T → S, “truck escape?“)
demurs(S → T, “No thanks. God provides.“)
inundates(flood, Ground floor)
relocates(S, upstairs)
offers(B → S, “boat escape?“)
demurs(S → B, “No thanks. God provides.“)
inundates(flood, Top floor)
relocates(S, roof)
offers(H → S, “helicopter escape?“)
demurs(S → H, “No thanks. God provides.“)
inundates(flood, S)
relocates(S, Heaven)
queries(S → God, “WTF?“)
responds(God → S, “Sent truck, boat, helicopter!“)
Does it still work? If not, there’s a long version available at radar.