
Nobody at deliberately collects email addresses or urls or names and addresses, from what you post in any comments made here, for unsociable reasons.

Nobody at cares, websitewise, either where you came from or where you’re going next.

Any identifying information you may have had to use to get your words here is used only by automatic processes without human oversight. This is to discourage spambottery. The Institute of Stuff is not in the business of mopping up your hailing frequencies. If you’re reading this, and you’re apprehending it, then that’s ok by us (if you’re apprehending it and you’re also a robot, we’re awfully impressed and you’re very welcome to comment too – you’ll know how).

Which is not to say that others, including wordpress, are not in the business of building up lists of email addresses (we’re pretty sure they’re not, but we shan’t speak for them is all). These pages are just as prone to Web-crawlers, spiders, etc as anywhere else, so do please exercise your usual due caution with your personal information.

This is a non-commercial site. WordPress may use Cookies to track its visitors. Since you are free to rummage around without providing any information about yourself, this should not matter to you unless you register as a permanent subscriber. It is quite unable to record anything about you – including personal information you have provided to other websites – that you don’t explicitly offer here at iostuff.

The Curator